Mobile Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing (Pros and Cons)
While some proclaim traditional marketing is dead, others still hold on to it. So who’s right? Since the mobile marketing vs. traditional marketing debate is still going on, we’re going to weigh in on it. If you ever wondered what the advantages and disadvantages of each one are, now you’re going to find out. We …
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How Does Location-Based Mobile Marketing Work?
Location has become an indispensable part of our everyday life. We tag Instagram photos to show cool locations we’ve been to. On Facebook, we check-in to our favorite coffee place. We share our location with restaurants to get food delivered. Almost 1/3 of our mobile searches are location-related. It’s no wonder marketers are turning to …
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Mobile Marketing Examples That Will Inspire You
Mobile marketing is the youngest branch of marketing. Despite that, mobile marketing has plenty of examples where creativity and innovation prevailed in an era of click-baits and intrusive ads. To show you some of our most favorite examples of mobile marketing done right, here is the top 3 most innovative mobile marketing examples up to 2019.
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