
57 Mobile Game KPIs to Measure the Success of Your Game

57 Mobile Game KPIs to Measure the Success of Your Game

How do you know if your mobile game is performing well? The short answer is—by tracking various mobile game KPIs.  You’re probably wondering, which key performance indicators should you track?  To make your life easier, I’ve put together an extensive list of all essential mobile game KPIs and metrics for all parts of the journey.  …

You Should Analyze Your Game’s Player Lifespan – Here’s Why

You Should Analyze Your Game’s Player Lifespan – Here’s Why

Not quite happy with how long players play your game?  Maybe it’s time to look into your players’ journey as a whole – player lifespan.  This article covers everything you need to know about player lifespan. You will learn how it’s connected to retention, lifetime value, and other metrics.  Also, we bring you valuable tips …

The Mobile Game Lifecycle: Can Your Games Live Longer?

The Mobile Game Lifecycle: Can Your Games Live Longer?

Treat your game like a plant you’ve planted. You need to water and cultivate it, otherwise, it will die.  In other words, analyze your mobile game lifecycle. Today’s mobile game market is saturated and more challenging than ever before. For this reason, life is short for mobile games.  However, there are ways to extend your …

Stickiness in Mobile Games: Key Insights & 9 Tips to Increase It

Stickiness in Mobile Games: Key Insights & 9 Tips to Increase It

As a mobile developer, you have one wish for your game → more players. Even better, players that can’t keep their hands off the game. A metric that shows how successful you are at doing this is called stickiness. This is one of the key mobile game metrics to track if you want your mobile …

Mobile Game Session Length: How to Track & Increase It

Mobile Game Session Length: How to Track & Increase It

Creating a high-quality mobile game is hard. Even when you are 100% percent sure you’ve done it, it is still not enough for your mobile game to succeed. There is one equally important thing you have to do → track the right mobile game metrics. One of those metrics is session length.  In this article, you will …

eCPMs for Rewarded Video, Interstitial & Banner Ads

eCPMs for Rewarded Video, Interstitial & Banner Ads

To successfully reach mobile game monetization KPIs in 2023, developers need to be strategic about their choice of game ad formats and ad networks across. To help you choose, we bring you eCPMs (effective cost per mile) for rewarded video ads, interstitial ads, and banner ads across all regions. This is essential information for increasing your …

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