Mobile Apps

The Psychology Behind User Retention in Mobile Games

The Psychology Behind User Retention in Mobile Games

Understanding the psychology behind user retention is key for extending the lifespan of your game. Click here to learn everything about it!
9 Types of Mobile Attribution Models You Must Know

9 Types of Mobile Attribution Models You Must Know

Click to learn which mobile attribution models work best for mobile marketing campaigns in a privacy-centric world!
Top Paid and Free App Store Screenshot Generators

Top Paid and Free App Store Screenshot Generators

What are app store screenshot generators and are they as good as they sound? Find out which are the best ones and what exactly they do.
App Store Screenshots for Mobile Games: The Ultimate Guide

App Store Screenshots for Mobile Games: The Ultimate Guide

Read our guide on app store screenshots, covering research, tips, screenshot examples from top publishers, stores’ requirements, and more.
Top Ad Intelligence Platforms for Apps and Games

Top Ad Intelligence Platforms for Apps and Games

Doing research on ad intelligence platforms? This article covers top ad intelligence providers, along with their features and pricing.
What is K-Factor for Apps? Definition, Formula, and Calculator

What is K-Factor for Apps? Definition, Formula, and Calculator

What is K-factor? How to calculate K-factor? Is K-factor important? Get answers to these questions and learn more about the virality metric.
Top Mobile Attribution Platforms and How to Choose One

Top Mobile Attribution Platforms and How to Choose One

Learn what mobile attribution platforms are, who the biggest providers are, and which one you should choose for your app.
57 Mobile Game KPIs to Measure the Success of Your Game

57 Mobile Game KPIs to Measure the Success of Your Game

Learn about 57 essential mobile game KPIs that will help you measure how successful your game is, and what you need to do to make it better.
Most Popular Mobile Games in 2024 by the Number of Downloads

Most Popular Mobile Games in 2024 by the Number of Downloads

Wondering what are the most popular mobile games in 2024? Check out our list of the most downloaded mobile games and start playing now!
Playable Ads: The Best Ad Format for Targeting Mobile Gamers?

Playable Ads: The Best Ad Format for Targeting Mobile Gamers?

Playable ads are one of the most effective in the mobile gaming industry. Why? Click on this article and find out now.
Top Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategies for 2024

Top Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategies for 2024

Learn everything you need to know about mobile game user acquisitioln. From definition and types to tips and tricks to get you started!
In-App Bidding: Get the Most Out of Your App Monetization Strategy

In-App Bidding: Get the Most Out of Your App Monetization Strategy

Wondering how to monetize your app quickly and effectively? You need to consider in-app bidding. Learn all about it in this article!
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